This is my Mother-in-law, Agnes Rose, and I am one of her many Caregivers. Is'nt she a gem!! Anyway, I decided that I would help her out on a daily basis by being her companion, and helping her out with anything she needs to make her life and my Father-in-law, Charley's life a little easier. So far, it has been so much fun, getting Ag up and going for the day.
This week we are working on organizing and cleaning out her bedroom, and let me tell you it isn't easy because Ag likes to keep EVERYTHING. She is very thoughtful in her reasoning for it, "someone can maybe use it someday", but if you could see some of the items she is hanging on too, I think someday has come and gone. I will post some pictures tomorrow.
I also, am a Caregiver to another lady, Esther and her husband , the Judge. I am like the Judge's right hand woman, so to speak. He just returned today from Arizona. So, I baked him his favorite cookies, turned the heat up, and did a little house cleaning, so he and Esther could come home and just relax.
Then, last but not least, I have 3 boys at home. My husband Brian, and my oldest son Connor, who is 13, and Luke who is you can see why life in Gradville, is busy.
Temperature in Gradville tomorrow is going to reach 50, whew, get the shorts out :)