Whalen and Luke playing the Wii.
My two nieces, from China, Wendi and Whalen are here. So we started off the morning playing some golf on the Wii....

Then we were off to Panera....Guess who I spied there??
I spied Adele and Betty Criddle. What a wonderful surprise. Adele speaks 5 languages, with one of them being Chinese, so she could speak to my nieces and tell them secrets about me without me even knowing what she was saying : )
We had a little sweet corn for dinner. It was delicious and you can see Luke is really enjoying it here.
Criddle was eyeing the table as we ate dinner.
Luke had to get a little baseball into his day, so he and his Dad played some catch after dinner.

We also played a game of Croquet before dinner.
If you notice the girls ended up MIA...there is a thirteen hour time difference and they were up this morning at 4a.m. They had to go visit Grandma Aggie and by 3 p.m. they fell asleep at Grandpa Charley's house. They were asking to come back over to Amy IE's(that is what they call me) house but fell asleep.
"Summer fun creates lasting memories."
Author: Sarah