"Sing like no one is listening, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody's watching, and live like it is heaven on earth" Mark Twain

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beautiful Day

Criddle playing in the snow.

Luke had a basketball tournament in Mt. Vernon. It was sunny and in the 40's and just beautiful. We walked from the Middle School to the High School, for our last game without coats on. It gets in the 40's and we think it is a heat wave. It was so beautiful though with the snow melting, you could hear drips of water falling, pretty puddles glistening in the sun, I was so happy to be outdoors.

When we got home even Criddle wanted to go play in the snow when I opened the doors to the deck. Isn't she the cutest cat ever.

I think Luke is daydreaming about baseball or playing outdoors in the beautiful sunshine. He has had a tough year with Basketball...I think he is frustrated and not enjoying the game. It makes me sad because he is a great played but something is up with this team and I can't put my finger on it. Luke needs to be challenged and constantly learning and that isn't happening for him. After he showered he came out with his new bat and said "Dad, can we go hit some balls in the garage, into the net?" So, he took 100 cuts and felt much better.

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way.-- Satchel Paige

Thursday, January 29, 2009


With the cold Iowa winters, puzzles are a great past-time. I have been putting together puzzles since I was 3. I remember growing up and we always had a card table set up in the winter, for a puzzle. My boys are following right along.

It was fun to see Connor's friend Landon come over and sit down and try to get a view pieces in. His family is into puzzles also. The other funny thing is, our cat Criddle, has to be in the middle of everything we do. So she will plop right down in the middle of the puzzle, sneak a piece to play with.

Finished but one piece was missing....I was so bummed because it was a brand new puzzle. A few days later when I was vacuuming I found it in Connor's room. The culprit....Criddle!!

""It's kind of fun to do the impossible.""
Author: Walt Disney

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

65th Wedding Aniversary

Charley & Ag
On January 22, 2009 was the 65th Wedding Anniversary of Brian's parents. It wad also a tough week for Charley and the rest of the Family. Charley decided to do a 5 day trial stay, for Ag, at the Meadowview Memory Care Village. Brian, Connor, Luke, myself, Bernie and Charley went their to have dinner with Ag to celebrate.

Connor, Grandma Aggie, Brian & Luke

After dinner, they had had this parachute out, with everyone sitting around it hitting a big balloon up in the air. Luke decided to join in and they loved it. I enjoyed seeing how excited all the people were at seeing the boys.

Since that day, Charley has decided it would be in Ag's best interest to stay at Meadowview. It was a very hard decision on him as well as they rest of the family.

"The best lesson we could learn from our grandparents is to cherish every moment we have with them."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Little Winter Fun

Believe it or not yesterday was a scheduled half day. Connor and Luke had some friends over to play "snow football". I was happy that it was warm enough for themt o enjoy the snow.

Connor being tough!!

Connor and his buddy Landon, trying to look cool ; )

Olyvia....isn't she the cutest little cheerleader EVER!

"Take time everyday to do something silly."
Author: Phillip Walker

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm BACK and so is Kurt Warner

I don't think my comeback from battling bacterial pneumonia measures up to Kurt's comeback to the Superbowl, but I will bask in highlights with him, on my Blog : )

I am feeling much better. I still have a few weeks to go, to work on getting my immune system healthy. Just like Kurt has some time to get himself healthy and prepare for the Super Bowl.

Love this picture of Kurt giving Larry Fitzgerald a hug at the press conference after the big win.

"I want to say thanks to all of you guys," Warner told the crowd during post game celebrations that included streams of confetti spewed into the air and the obligatory "We are the Champions" blaring. "When nobody else believed in us, when nobody else believed in me, you guys did and we're going to the Super Bowl."

Go Cardinals!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ice Ice Baby

Connor sledding on a sheet of ice, down the neighbors drive way.

We were blessed with a sheet of ice last night. We were basically stranded because our little culd-de-sac doesn't get any attention, by the city, unless we get at least 5 inches of snow. Then they are very kind, and don't plow or salt our street until last. We laughed, worried a little that the people who tried to leave might take the neighbors mailbox out because all you could do is slide backwards if you tried to leave. People do not believe how hard it is for us to get out. We watched a truck that made it in, to visit a neighbor, just slide right down the hill. Luckily he didn't take the light pole out. A snow piled him. By the way, the sand truck came at 5p.m. and spread very little salt\sand mixture.

Luke sledding down the street. This is the hill that allows us in and out of our culd-de-sac. Luke was a little more cautious, by keeping his foot out, because they really went fast. I thought they should have helmets on.

Connor even turned because they didn't have any control once they started down. Just think of a car sliding down it. At least the boys enjoyed it.

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Tribute to Brian

Brian & Luke in 2003

Brian coaching Basketball.

Connor & Brian having steak on the deck.

Brian and his Mom at Easter 2008.

Brian helping out at Floodfest 2008.

I have a couple of people who say Brian is NEVER on my Blog. Well, here is a tribute to him to let you all know he is still alive and kickin!!

"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."

Friday, January 2, 2009

Dad & Mom

First off I LOVE this picture!! I am so blessed to have the most wonderful parents who have stood by me through thick and thin. I am so grateful to them. They are the BEST Grandparents. My boys are so fortunate to have them, to fill their heads with stories and wisdom. I love you Dad And Mom!!! Happy New Year!!
Just because I put Dad first doesn't mean I love him more :)
Photo credits go to my nephew Chandler, Great Job!!
"Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure? Remember, you must use it, as it is given only once. Once wasted you cannot get it back."~ Author Unknown ~
I fell upon this quote and I am going to post it where I can read it daily. I believe this is my New Years Resolution.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

What can you say about a year?

365 days, 24 hours, 7 days a week of laughter, tears, baseball, loads of laundry, hugs, flooding, near misses, snuggles, hurt feelings, knitting, homework, car pooling, stitches, Dr. visits, grocery shopping, txting, making dinner, good-byes, birthdays, wondering, movies, basketball, road trips, imagining....prayer...

It truly amazes me what we can squeeze in....lots and lots of daily living. It has been a good year-scratch that a GREAT year. My boys are healthy and close enough to give them a hug. Brian and I are both employed. We were not directly affected by the floods of 2008, we have a roof over head, food in the fridge, and much more to be thankful for.
My wish for you this new year is to, let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Say 'no'. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger.(I am doing this for sure), Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you' & 'Thank You'. Say it again & again. They are the sweetest words in the world. Find joy in everyday life.
"I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace-in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of the heart where truth is kept. I wish you faith-to help you define your living and your life. More I cannot wish you-except perhaps Love-to make all the rest worthwhile."
Author: Robert A. Ward