""Don't sweat the small stuff""
Author: Sonny Grady
A little basketball anyone??
An hour later this is what it looked like.
"It's snowing still. And freezing. However, we haven't had an earthquake lately."
Author: - Winnie-the-Pooh
Here is some of the fun stuff I got. Can't wait to use the green polish for my toes.
I love this letter "A"....I can't wait to fing a place to hang it.
Love this t-shirt....it is so Clare and I will think of her every time I wear it.
I am so blessed to have a cousin as special as Clare.....
Cousin to Cousin
We're from the same shoot, the same family tree, Into this world we sprouted, call it destiny!
It's cousin to cousin, a special thing. A closeness to which we're tied, And you've always been there to laugh with me Or even when I've cried.
Anyway I think it's fantastic that you were meant to be, A part of my life, my cousin, You'll always be special to me!
Criddle had to check the bag out, to make sure it would be up to Luke's standards.
Luke trying out his new catchers gear.
We bought Luke new catchers gear, for this year. I worry about injuries to the chest area, so I believe that he needs the best protection possible for safety reasons. Thus the bigger bat bag. I felt bad one day when Luke came to me and said "Mom, it hurts sometimes when I have to block a pitch." Just think of being beamed in the chest or the rib cage with a baseball being thrown at 60mph or more. Why didn't I think of that, duh!! I am in the stands yelling "way to block that pitch, Luker" After being hit in the chest with an air bag, I think I know the pain he might be feeling.
Obviously she doesn't like this little hat they put on her.
"A baby is a little bit of heaven on earth. "
Love this picture....
""Babies make your heart bigger!""
2008 Toyota Sienna
After driving a Toyota Highlander, 4-runner, Camry and some other vehicles, we decided on the Sienna. I believe with all the traveling we do with baseball etc....and the boys' friends that I haul around, this was the most practical vehicle to buy, for our current lifestyle.
I am still having alot of pain in my sternum and shoulder. My Dr. said to give it 10 days and I should feel much better. Tomorrow is the 10th day and unless a miracle happens I really don't feel much better than day 1. Some other aches and pains are gone but I can't lift or push anything without major pain in my chest/sternum, that could drop me to my knees.
I am going to try and crochet tonight to see if it how it feels.
I’m convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you.
I believe in this quote but it has sure tested me lately.
It is the first day of the NCAA Men's, road to the Final Four, Basketball Tournament(March Madness) began this afternoon. As a family, we all fill out a bracket, to see who wins and what not. The person who gets the most amount of wins correct gets $20 in the end. It may not sound like much but we all enjoy the competition.
One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.-- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
The boys and I were hit by a guy who ran a red light at the intersection of J. Ave and Center Point Rd. N.E. Right by the Green Gable.
Both airbags came out. With the one from the steering wheel hitting me right in my sternum BUT i am thankful because it could of been worse without the airbag.
An electrical fire started on the passenger side, where Connor was sitting. You can see it in this picture, how it just melted away the interior. Again, Connor & Luke were so fortunate to come out of this with minor injuries. It was pretty traumatic for the boys and myself, so that is all that I really want to relive at the moment.
Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.You have to take this baby Everywhere with you, even to lifting.
Look how good Connor is at multi-tasking. He can feed his baby and play on the computer. Luke thought this was great.
The last time I heard the baby was at 11:30p.m after that I was asleep and didn't hear it the rest of the night.