We go through each day oblivious to 80% of what goes on around us...name 3 cool things you have seen this week, describe them and why were they "cool in your eyes" to remember?
1. Our cat Criddle was in the kitchen window, this morning, tail all fuzzed up and she was hissing at the birds outside. She was so intent on this that she didn't even notice me there. I thought what is going on in her head. I thought it was crazy so I guess that is why it stuck in my head or I even noticed it at all.
2. On Monday I went to get a coffee, at my favorite place, Brewed Awakenings. As I turned down the alley there was a little old lady going through dumpsters. It was sad and I thought what do I have to offer her, that she would accept. So, I walked up to her and handed her my granola bars, that I keep with me and she was so thankful. That will stick with me because it was an act of kindness.
3. Then I looked out the window the other day and saw a cardinal on top of the basketball hoop, and my Aunt Dona popped into my head because she likes birds.
I know I have seen that little old lady before and robins in trees and my cat being crazy but I am so busy rushing through my day that they take a back seat. 

These clouds are later on in the day and they just intrigue me.
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~John Muir
1 comment:
Did you end up with a storm or at least some rain? Those clouds look threatening.
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