Connor keeps me in a state of wonder, you should be able to get that from this picture. Then you go to conferences, and the descriptive words that came out of the Teacher's mouths almost made me drop to the floor. Leader, Hard-worker, involved makes me wonder...is my little boy actually growing up and maturing...no can't be...life is all about FUN to Connor !!! If it's not fun then what is the purpose....
I believe, that if you have a Teacher who your child knows "Believes" in them through their success' and failure's, in good times and in bad, they are going to make a lasting impact on that child.
Here are a couple of poems, written by Connor:
The Best
I bought a dog
It was actually a hog
It frightened me
So much I said, "I want a Wii"
I took it to the pound
And it laid on the ground
Then it bit me
And licked my knee
The dog is very light
But packed quite a bite
I'm going to end this poetic jest
Because I've now done my best
Sam Miller
Sam is cool
Because he goes to school
He is a hip fellow
Even when he wears yellow
He can count to ten
And he has a hen
Sam Miller is the best
He's better than the rest
Okay, I will let you all ponder those for a couple days. He has two others that I will blog later. In Language Arts they make a book of poems and they illustrate their own. Then the Teacher makes it into a book for them to keep. I am kind of excited to read all of them.
The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth." ~Dan Rather
In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years. ~Jacques Barzun