Three years ago, on Mother's Day, I received my first cell phone. They had a huge promotion offering the "NEW" pink razor. I talked about this phone, and the boys thought I had to have it. The thing is they were hard to find because everyone wanted them BUT we found one, and it has been very dear to me ever since. It is the easiest phone to use, plus it has great sound quality. Well, it has been going down hill for the last year, and the last couple of weeks it hardly holds a charge. So, get a new battery or new phone. As you all know technology with cell phones has changed tremendously in the last 3 years, so option 2-get a new phone.

Verizon EnV2 in black
It has a qwerty key pad, so now I can be the txting queen :)
This might seem like a silly thing to some of you but I loved my Razor, it was pink and so cute. Don't get me wrong this phone is nice but just not as cute and dainty. I will keep you all posted on how much I like it.
I am not going to cry, I will part with a smile on my face :)
Your new phone is the phone I want - and I don't know if at&t has it. Also - jake's phone was shot and my number was the one due for a new one - so he got the new one. So i have to wait until April. I did receive a couple of texts from your Luke - so he must have been messing with your new phone. I liked your pink phone too - but I think I like you new one more.
my relaxing day was yesterday - today not so relaxing. We spent the day downtown Fresno (Yuck in itself) - we had an errand to run - and then had to go to small claims court. We had gone in clovis - but the judge knew the guy we were suing so we had to go to Fresno - did I mention the word YUCK when I was talking about down town.
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