I met my friend Sally Zimmerman(Pentz) when I was in Kindergarten. She also lived in my neighborhood so we played with each other alot. Anyway, her Dad passed on the spring of our 1st grade year, so that summer her family moved to Tennesse. We wrote letters to each other, but as we grew older we stopped. Email would of been great back then, huh? Barb, her mother, would come back up to Iowa and give us updates. I stopped by to see her once on our way to Florida. Thursday afternoon I was just resting because I had a long day, and the phone rang. It was my Mom and she said Sally, Mary Ellen and Perry were in town. So, we went out to see them at thier Hotel. They had brought their Mother's ashes up to be buried next to their Father. Anyway, it was so nice to see them and you would of never thought any time had passed between us with all the chatter going on. The only thing that has really changed is our looks but we are still beautiful :)
Sally, I am so glad you called Mom. It was so nice to see all of you. I feel like I could of talked forever. Now with email and my Blog we can keep in touch again. True friendships never die :)

The name Sally is so great! It is just so happy. How wonderful you got to see your friend after all this time.
You still look the same as you did when I was lived in Osage!
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