Clare and Luke arrived last Tuesday evening from Clovis, CA. I drove them up to Osage that evening then came back the next morning because my Luke had baseball.

Connor and "Big"Luke
On Thursday afternoon, my Mom, Connor and I drove up to Osage to hang out until Sunday. We had some fun. My Aunt Hess, Aunt Dona, My Mom, Clare and I are all very crafty in different areas. So before Clare came I surfed the Internet looking for a craft that we could all do BUT it had to be something with a recycled item because Clare is into "going green" and saving the world. (just kiddin Clare, you know I love you) Anyway, below are some photos if us all in action.

My Mother, Aunt Dona, & Aunt Hess.
None of these three sisters like having their picture taken, so I have to be sneaky but they know I blog now so they are trying to work with me:)
Here is our finished bracelet. These are made out of pop tops. Aren't they the cutest!!! It is not a great photo but they are fun to make and easy. I have a navy and a pink one also. So, if you are reading this please save ALL pop tops for me. If you drink energy drinks they have colored pop tops. Thank you in advanced:)
I love this picture of all of my favorite people with our bracelets on. This is at our favorite Coffee place in Mason City-Cabin Coffee Co. and their motto is "Just Be Happy & Have Fun". When we are together that is what we do!!
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