Here is Connor reading a book that I let him open, on Christmas Eve. Maybe this will be a new tradition because Connor never reads, maybe it is because he picked out the book. Whatever it takes to get this child of mine to read, I am all for it.
Connor is a Adam Sandler fan, so he now has all of his movies.
Santa, brought the RockBand for the Wii. This is a fun time. I was on guitar, Brian sang, and Luke on the drums. I am better at the drums, and I crack myself up when I sing. This is a game every family should have, no matter what the age.
The angels smiled on us with JOY, when God gave us two boys.
What book did Connor pick out? - and tell him I am a big Adam Sandler fan too. I hope your Christmas was great! I am laughing picturing you all doing the rock band thing together - that is great and I bet it was fun.
yes the gingerbread houses were kits. We were going to make our own gingerbread walls - but not enough time. Josh at the one he and Jennifer made. I forgot and left them on the table Christmas night and Sadie ate the roof off Jake's - and put a dent in Kasey's. So I didn't have to feel guilty about throwing them away. :)
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