"Sing like no one is listening, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody's watching, and live like it is heaven on earth" Mark Twain

Monday, December 29, 2008

Criddle Yearly Check Up

Criddle had an apt. today at the Vet. for her annual check up.

This is the little carrier I use to take her in the van. I usually get it out and she crawls right in like it is a new home BUT once I put her in the van, the loud meows begin. Criddle is like the daintiest cat ever meaning she very rarely meows...she is just a little cuddler.

Look closely because my dainty little cat, goes wild at the Vet. growling and hissing, so they have Me put her in this little sack that only allows her head to be out. The last time I took Luke with me he was in tears. He didn't like to see her like this. She had three shots today, and she is in perfect health. She is even up to 6lbs.

So, we get home, and she starts throwing up, everywhere. Her ears are on fire and she is breathing funny. I panic because Criddle is like my baby, so I call the Vet. and I had to rush her back down to the office for another shot. She was having an allergic reaction to one of the shots. It was scarey because I don't know what we would do if anything happened to Crids.

"Cats Leave Paw Prints On Your Heart"

1 comment:

Clare said...

How scary - I am glad she is ok! I can't imagine you without criddle either.