Connor did not want to have anything to do with getting his picture taken before his last/first day of Middle School. He is an 8th grader this year so it is his last time he will have a first day of school there. In Connor's words "you are so gay, Mom". Yesterday we went through all the art work and what not that I have saved from preschool-to now, to minimize the boxes down to 2. We did it but it was so fun, watching Connor remember things he did and to see how little his hand was in Kindergarten BUT he couldn't understand why I kept so much......memories, I told him and again "you are so gay, Mom". My baby is growing up :(
I captured another photo without him knowing. It looks like he is moving out. That is ALOT of school supplies. The majority of that is Kleenex-5 boxes.

Then there is Luke, who is rushing me, saying "Mom, hurry up we need to get a picture with Criddle before my 1st day". This is Luke's last/first day of Elementary, he is a BIG 5th Grader this year, which makes me even more sad. He is not my baby anymore :(
My School Promise by unknown
Each day I'll do my best
And I won't do any less.
My work will always please me,
And I won't accept a mess.
I'll color very carefully,
My writing will be neat.
And I will not be happy,
Till my papers are complete.
I'll always do my homework,
And try my best on every test.
I won't forget my promise,
To do my very best!
I found this poem when we were going through Connor's school stuff, yesterday.