I went to see my Doctor today because I have a few swollen lymph nodes behind my ear, and it is nothing but they hurt. Anyway, when the Nurse came and took me into my room, she said, "before we start the ladies up front want to know about your bag." So, before you know it I had the office ladies and two other nurses in my examining room, so I could explain my Plarn bag. Dr. Nelson, comes in and said "What is going on, is there some kind of an emergency." No, just discussing grocery bags and how to make them into plarn. When I get a few bags finished they want me to bring them in to purchase. So, I was the culprit in putting them 15 minutes behind schedule, so if you had an apt. today I apologize.
I am so amazed at the interest in this bag of mine.
I'm not messy....I'm creative !
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