How many carrots can you bob for and transfer to another bowl in 20 seconds. This is Spencer and he won with 23.
How long can you stand in a bucket of ice. There was a tie between Spencer and Luke for 1minute and 27 seconds.
Then you had to suck all of the juice out of a lemon. Last year a couple of kids wouldn't even do this one but all of the boys tried it.
Water balloon toss.
The last activity was a relay race where you had to use a cup and fill a bottle with water, then run up on the deck and eat 10 nilla wafers, then rummage through the goop, pictured above, and find a nickel, dime and quarter, then clean off your hands run to the fence and back. I really think they loved this goop.
We then went to Tomaso's for pizza...yum!!!
After pizza Brian took Luke and his 3 buddies to the Kernels baseball game and I took Connor and his friend Jack home. They had a great time at the Kernels game. They saw fireworks and even were able to play on the field afterwards, forever. They did not get home until 11:30. I was sound asleep by this time...I did not hear a peep...I guess they were up til 2a.m.
"Before they can be men, they must be boys."
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